Apply and change keyframe interpolation methods – Adobe After Effects User Manual

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Current Settings

Linear, Bezier, Continuous Bezier, Auto Bezier, and Hold

Current Settings

Hold interpolation

Hold interpolation is available only as a temporal interpolation method. Use it to change the value of a layer property over time, but without a
gradual transition. This method is useful for strobe effects, or when you want layers to appear or disappear suddenly.

If you apply Hold temporal interpolation to all keyframes of a layer property, the value of the first keyframe holds steady until the next keyframe,
when the values change immediately. In the value graph, the graph segment following a Hold keyframe appears as a horizontal straight line.

Even though Hold interpolation is available only as a temporal interpolation method, the keyframes on the motion path are visible, but they are not
connected by layer-position dots. For example, if you animate the Position property of a layer using Hold interpolation, the layer holds at the
position value of the previous keyframe until the current-time indicator reaches the next keyframe, at which point the layer disappears from the old
position and appears at the new position.

You can easily freeze the current frame for the duration of the layer using the Freeze Frame command. To freeze a frame, position the current
time indicator at the frame you want to freeze. Make sure that the layer is selected and then choose Layer > Time > Freeze Frame. Time-
remapping is enabled, and a Hold keyframe is placed at the position of the current time indicator to freeze the frame.

If you previously enabled time-remapping on the layer, any keyframes you created are deleted when you apply the Freeze Frame


You can use Hold interpolation only for outgoing temporal interpolation (for the frames following a keyframe). If you create a keyframe following a
Hold keyframe, the new keyframe uses incoming Hold interpolation.

To apply or remove Hold interpolation as outgoing interpolation for a keyframe, select the keyframe in the Timeline panel, and choose
Animation > Toggle Hold Keyframe.

Apply and change keyframe interpolation methods

You can apply and change the interpolation method for any keyframe. You can apply changes using the Keyframe Interpolation dialog box, or you
can apply them directly to a keyframe in layer bar mode, in a motion path, or in the Graph Editor. You can also change the default interpolation
After Effects uses for spatial properties.

For information on using Easy Ease controls to automatically ease speed between keyframes, see Controlling speed between keyframes.

Change interpolation method with the Keyframe Interpolation dialog box

The Keyframe Interpolation dialog box provides options for setting temporal and spatial interpolation and—for spatial properties only—roving

1. In layer bar mode or in the Graph Editor, select the keyframes you want to change.

2. Choose Animation > Keyframe Interpolation.

3. For Temporal Interpolation, choose one of the following options:

Preserves the interpolation values already applied to the selected keyframes. Choose this option when multiple or

manually adjusted keyframes are selected and you do not want to change the existing settings.

Apply a temporal interpolation method using default values.

4. If you selected keyframes of a spatial layer property, choose one of the following options for Spatial Interpolation:

Preserves the interpolation settings already applied to the selected keyframes.


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