Apply tracking data to a new target – Adobe After Effects User Manual

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Track point components and Selection tool pointer icons
A. Search region B. Feature region C. Keyframe marker D. Attach point E. Moves search region F. Moves both regions G. Moves entire track
point H. Moves attach point I. Moves entire track point J. Resizes region

To turn on or off feature region magnification, choose Magnify Feature When Dragging from the Tracker panel menu.

To move the feature region, search region, and attach point together, drag inside the track point area (avoiding the region edges and the
attach point), or press the Up, Down, Left, or Right Arrow key. Hold Shift while pressing an arrow key to move by an increment 10 times as

To move only the feature and search regions together, drag the edge of the feature region, or Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS)
with the Selection tool inside the feature or search region. You can also hold Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) while pressing the Up, Down,
Left, or Right Arrow key. Hold Alt+Shift (Windows) or Option+Shift (Mac OS) while pressing an arrow key to move by an increment 10 times
as large.

To move only the search region, drag the edge of the search region.

Offset the search region center from the feature region center in the direction in which the tracked feature is traveling.

To move only the attach point, drag the attach point.

To resize the feature or search region, drag a corner handle.

To make all of the sides of the region match the length of the longest side, and to resize the region relative to the original center point of the
region, Shift-drag a corner handle.

To make all of the sides of the region match the length of the longest side, and to resize the region relative to a particular corner handle,
Ctrl+Shift-drag (Windows) or Command+Shift-drag (Mac OS) the opposite corner handle.

To restrict the movement of the track point to the x (horizontal) or y (vertical) axis during tracking, resize the height or width of the search region
to match the height or width of the feature region.

Apply tracking data to a new target

After you’ve tracked a motion source layer, you can apply the tracking data stored on that layer to any number of other target layers and effect
control points. For example, you can apply the track to the position of a light bulb and to the effect control point of the Lens Flare effect.

1. In the Tracker panel, choose the tracked layer from the Motion Source menu.

2. Choose the track that contains the tracking data you want from the Current Track menu.


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