Adobe After Effects User Manual
Page 596

Stretch To Fit
9. Choose Final Output from the Viewing Mode control.
Generate a layer matte
In some cases, you may want to use a different layer or track as a mask for the layer that uses a grain effect. This type of mask allows unlimited
control over exactly which parts of an image are modified and by how much.
1. Apply a grain effect to the image.
2. In the Effect Controls panel, choose the layer that you want to use as a mask from the Mask Layer control in the Blend With Original and
Masking Layer controls groups.
3. Choose a masking mode from one of the standard track matte mode options.
4. If the masking layer is a different size than the current layer, choose one of the following from the If Mask Size Differs pop-up menu in the
Masking Layer controls:
Centers the masking layer over the current layer.
Resizes the masking layer to match the dimensions of the current layer.
5. If you’re using both a color matte and a layer mask, choose one of the following from the Combine Match And Mask Using menu:
Makes the matte white wherever either the mask or the color match is white.
Makes the matte white where both of the inputs are white.
6. Choose Final Output from the Viewing Mode control.
Change the preview region
You can use the Preview Region controls group to change the position or the size of the preview region for a grain effect.
Because adding or removing grain can affect sharpness of detail, you may want to preview an area of fine detail, such as a human face or some
text. When you remove grain with the Remove Grain effect, a best practice is to preview an area where the grain is most clearly visible or most
objectionable, such as a large expanse of solid color.
You’ll achieve the best results by experimenting, applying small increments to each of several controls in the Effect Controls panel, and viewing
the results in the Composition panel after every adjustment.
1. After applying a grain effect, click the Center button
in the Preview Region group of controls in the Effect Controls panel.
A cross hair is centered in the Composition panel.
2. In the image, click the desired center of the preview region.
The preview region redraws, centered in the new position.
3. To change the dimensions of the preview region, change the Width and Height values in the Effect Controls panel to the desired size, in