Adobe After Effects User Manual

Page 67

background image

Display preferences

Motion Path:

Motion paths

Disable Thumbnails In Project Panel: Composition thumbnail images

Show Rendering Progress In Info Panel And Flowchart: Preview video and audio

Hardware Accelerate Composition, Layer, And Footage Panels: Improve performance

Import preferences

Still Footage: Create layers from footage items or change layer source

Sequence Footage:

Import a single still image or a still-image sequence

Interpret Unlabeled Alpha As:

Alpha channel interpretation: premultiplied or straight

Drag Import Multiple Items As:

Import footage items by dragging

Adobe After Effects CS5.5 and later contains a dropdown menu to choose drop-frame or non-drop-frame timecode for Indeterminate Media
NTSC, which applies to imports like still image sequences in which timecode values are not present or are unknown.

Output preferences

Segment Sequences At, Segment Movie Files At, and Audio Block Duration:

Segment settings

Use Default File Name And Folder:

Name output files automatically

Grids & Guides preferences

Safe zones, grids, guides, and rulers

Labels preferences

Color labels for layers, compositions, and footage items

Media & Disk Cache preferences

Enable Disk Cache and Maximum Disk Cache Size: Caches: RAM cache, disk cache, and media cache

Conformed Media Cache and Clean Database & Cache: Media cache

Create Layer Markers From Footage XMP Metadata and Write XMP IDs To Files On Import:

XMP metadata in After Effects

Video Preview preferences

Preview on an external video monitor


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