Scripts included with after effects, Writing and modifying scripts, Where to find additional useful scripts – Adobe After Effects User Manual

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You can use this command-line technique—together with the software that comes with a customizable keyboard—to bind the invocation of a
script to a keyboard shortcut.

Jeff Almasol provides a set of scripts that includes the Launch Pad script, which creates a docking panel from which you can run any other scripts
that you have installed. The same package of Jeff’s scripts includes KeyEd Up, a script with which you can modify keyboard shortcuts. For
information, see the

Adobe After Effects Exchange

on the Adobe website.

Sebastien Perier provides instructions on

his website

for assigning keyboard shortcuts to scripts so that you can run a script with a single

keystroke. This technique relies on the KeyEd Up script.

Jeff Almasol provides a script that creates a simple console panel. The console panel includes a text area in which you can enter ExtendScript
commands to be evaluated. There is no capturing of errors or messages; this console is only a simple way of entering commands without having
to create a script first. For information, see

Jeff Almasol's redefinery website


On the

AE Scripts website

, Lloyd Alvarez offers a tip on how to run .jsxbin scripts if you don't have access to the Scripts or ScriptUI Panels


Scripts included with After Effects

After Effects provides several prewritten scripts to assist you in performing common tasks, and to provide a basis for you to modify and create your
own scripts.

Run the sample script Demo Palette.jsx to get an idea of what sorts of things you can do with scripts.

Writing and modifying scripts

You can write your own scripts for use in After Effects by using the script editor, which is part of the ExtendScript Toolkit. The ExtendScript Toolkit
provides a convenient interface for creating, debugging, and testing your own scripts. Sometimes, all that you need to do is make a slight
modification to an existing script to make it do what you want; such slight modifications can often be performed with little knowledge of computer
programming and scripting languages.

To start the script editor, choose File > Scripts > Open Script Editor.

A tutorial on the

AE Enhancers forum

leads the reader step by step through the creation of a script.

Jeff Almasol provides a set of scripting utilities—such as useful functions—to facilitate the creation of your own scripts on his

redefinery website


David Torno provides

a list of matchnames for After Effects scripts


Where to find additional useful scripts

To exchange scripts, projects, and other useful items with other After Effects users, go to the

After Effects Exchange

on the Adobe website.

Dan Ebberts provides scripting tutorials and useful scripts in the

scripting section of his MotionScript website


Lloyd Alvarez provides a collection of useful scripts on his

After Effects Scripts website



AE Enhancers forum

provides example scripts and useful information about scripting (as well as expressions and animation presets) in After


Jeff Almasol provides a collection of useful scripts on his

redefinery website


Dale Bradshaw provides scripts and tricks on his

Creative Workflow Hacks website



nabscripts website

provides many useful scripts.

Mathias Möhl provides useful scripts—including MochaImport, KeyTweak, and Tracker2Mask—on his

AExtensions website

. Mathias also provides

video tutorials explaining the use of the scripts.

Christopher Green provides many useful scripts on

his website



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