Example: animate text with multiple selectors – Adobe After Effects User Manual
Page 367

Writing text on using the Opacity property
1. Create a new composition.
2. Create a text layer with the characters 01234.
3. Choose Animation > Animate Text > Opacity.
4. Set Opacity to 0%.
5. Expand the Range Selector 1 and click the stopwatch icon for Start.
6. In the Composition panel, drag the start selector to the left edge of the text (the value will be at 0).
7. Move the current-time indicator to 5 seconds and drag the start selector in the Composition panel to the right edge of the text (the value will
be 5).
8. Preview the composition.
By default, the Smoothness property is set to 100%. To create a typewriter appearance, expand the Advanced property and set
Smoothness to 0%.
Example: Animate text with multiple selectors
This example uses the selectorValue parameter in an Expression selector with the Wiggly selector to make a string of characters flash on and
off randomly.
1. Create a new composition.
2. Create a new text layer.
3. In the Timeline panel, choose Opacity from the Animate menu for the text layer.
4. Expand the text layer and its animator in the Timeline panel.
5. Select the Range Selector and delete it.
6. Choose Add > Selector > Wiggly next to the Animator property group for the text layer.
7. Choose Add > Selector > Expression. If the Wiggly selector doesn’t come before the Expression selector, drag the Wiggly selector above
the Expression selector.
8. Expand the Expression Selector.
9. Expand the Amount property to reveal the expression. The following expression appears by default: