Fill effect fractal effect, Fill effect, Fractal effect – Adobe After Effects User Manual
Page 515

Average Pixel Color
Skip Empty
All Premultiplied
Including Alpha
Maintain Original Alpha
Blend With Original
Set Choice
Mandelbrot, Julia
Which color values are sampled:
Samples the average RGB color values, excluding the color values of transparent pixels.
Samples the average of all RGB color values, including color values of transparent pixels.
Samples the average of all RGB color values, premultiplied with the alpha channel.
Samples the average of all RGB color and alpha channel values. This setting results in the sampled color also
containing the average transparency of the sampled pixels.
Maintains the alpha channel of the original layer. If you choose Including Alpha in the Average Pixel Color menu, the
original alpha is stenciled over the sampled color.
The transparency of the effect. The result of the effect is blended with the original image, with the effect result composited
on top. The higher you set this value, the less the effect affects the layer. For example, if you set this value to 100%, the effect has no visible result
on the layer; if you set this value to 0%, the original image doesn’t show through.
Fill effect
The Fill effect fills specified masks with a specified color. If you want to add both a stroke and a fill to a closed path, the order in which you apply
the stroke and fill determines the visible width of the stroke: If the fill is applied before the stroke, the full stroke brush size is visible; if the stroke is
applied before the fill, the fill appears on top of the stroke, obscuring the half of the stroke that falls inside the path.
This effect works with 8-bpc color. In After Effects CS6, this effect works in 32-bit color.
Fractal effect
The Fractal effect renders the Mandelbrot or Julia set, creating colorful textures. When you first apply the effect, the picture you see is the classic
sample of the Mandelbrot set; the set is the area that is colored black. Any pixel outside the set is colorized, depending on how close it is to the
This effect works with 8-bpc and 16-bpc color.
Spaceship layer (upper-left) composited over layer with Mandelbrot fractal with Lightness Gradient palette (lower-left) and Julia fractal (lower-right)
Specifies the set used. Mandelbrot is the typical Mandelbrot set. Mandelbrot Inverse is the Mandelbrot set mathematically inverted.
Julia always changes depending on the center point from the Mandelbrot set and can produce the set of all possible Julia sets. Julia Inverse is the
inverse of the Julia set. To see a Julia set, you may want to set the magnification to a negative value, because these sets tend to fill up the
complex plane outside the normal boundary. Mandelbrot Over Julia is the same as Mandelbrot, except that it changes when the Julia center point
changes. Mandelbrot Inverse over Julia is the same as Mandelbrot Inverse, except that it changes when the Julia center point changes.
Specify the settings for the specified set. X (Real) and Y (Imaginary) specify the pixels at the center of the image for either the