Utility effects obsolete effects, Utility effects, Obsolete effects – Adobe After Effects User Manual

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Third-party effects:

CC Glass Wipe effect

CC Grid Wipe effect

CC Image Wipe effect

CC Jaws effect

CC Light Wipe effect

CC Line Sweep effect (CS6)

CC Radial ScaleWipe effect

CC Scale Wipe effect

CC Twister effect

CC WarpoMatic effect (CS6)

Utility effects

Apply Color LUT effect

Cineon Converter effect

Color Profile Converter effect

Grow Bounds effect

HDR Compander effect

HDR Highlight Compression effect

Third-party effects:

CC Overbrights effect (CS6)

Obsolete effects

Effects in the Obsolete category are retained for compatibility with projects created with previous versions of After Effects. When updating projects
or creating new projects, you should use alternative effects and techniques rather than effects in the Obsolete category.

Basic 3D effect

Use 3D layers instead. See 3D layers.

Basic Text effect

Use text layers instead. See Creating and editing text layers.

Lightning effect

Use the Advanced Lighting effect instead. See Advanced Lightning effect.

Path Text effect

Use text layers instead. See Creating and animating text on a path.


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