Online resources about markers – Adobe After Effects User Manual

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Jeff Almasol provides scripts on his redefinery website that do the following:


copies layer markers from one layer to any number of other layers.


creates new layer markers (either on the selected layer or on a new null layer) with comments that provide information about

keyframes at the same times.


sets keyframes for the Source Text property of a text layer and sets the values to text from a text file. The

keyframes are placed at times specified by layer markers on the text layer.


creates a panel that makes navigating to markers and viewing their comments and other values very convenient.


automatically removes markers from selected layers based on specified criteria (e.g., all markers in work area).


creates a panel with controls for moving various combinations of items in time, including layer In point, layer Out point, layer

source frames, keyframes, and markers.


shows the number of markers on the selected layer.

Online resources about markers

To view video tutorials on working with markers, cue points, and XMP metadata go to the Adobe website:

Converting metadata and markers to cue points

: video tutorial demonstrating using Soundbooth, Flash Professional, and After Effects to

create and use cue points.

Using markers and cue points

: video overview of markers in Premiere Pro and After Effects.


his blog

on the Adobe website, Michael Coleman provides a demonstration of how to convert tracking data in After Effects into cue point

data for use in Flash.

Adobe also recommends

Sharing markers with After Effects, Encore, and Flash

Chapter points


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