Time conversion methods (expression reference) – Adobe After Effects User Manual
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timeToFrames(t = time + thisComp.displayStartTime, fps = 1.0 / thisComp.frameDuration, isDuration = false)
framesToTime(frames, fps = 1.0 / thisComp.frameDuration)
timeToTimecode(t = time + thisComp.displayStartTime, timecodeBase = 30, isDuration = false)
timeToNTSCTimecode(t = time + thisComp.displayStartTime, ntscDropFrame = false, isDuration = false)
timeToFeetAndFrames(t = time + thisComp.displayStartTime, fps = 1.0 / thisComp.frameDuration, framesPerFoot = 16, isDuration =
Return type: Property.
Represents the property containing the expression. For example, if you write an expression on the Rotation property, you can start an expression
with thisProperty to refer to the Rotation property.
Return type: Number.
Represents the composition time, in seconds, at which the expression is being evaluated.
Return type: Number.
Returns the project color depth value. For example, colorDepth returns 16 when the project color depth is 16 bits per channel.
Return type: Number.
Argument type: framesPerSecond is a Number.
The framesPerSecond value becomes the frame rate from which the rest of the expression operates. This expression allows you to set the frame
rate for a property to be lower than the frame rate of the composition. For example, the following expression updates the property value with a
random value once per second:
posterizeTime(1); random()
Return type: Number, Array, or String.
Represents the value at the current time for the property containing the expression.
Time conversion methods (expression reference)
Return type: Number.
Argument type: t and fps are Numbers; isDuration is a Boolean.
Converts the value of t, which defaults to the current composition time, to an integer number of frames. The number of frames per second is
specified in the fps argument, which defaults to the frame rate of the current composition (1.0 / thisComp.frameDuration). The isDuration
argument, which defaults to false, should be true if the t value represents a difference between two times instead of an absolute time. Absolute
times are rounded down toward negative infinity; durations are rounded away from zero (up for positive values).
Return type: Number.
Argument type: frames and fps are Numbers.
The inverse of timeToFrames. Returns the time corresponding to the frames argument, which is required. It doesn’t have to be an integer. See
for explanation of the fps argument.
Return type: String.
Argument type: t and timecodeBase are Numbers; isDuration is a Boolean.
Converts the value of t to a String representing timecode. See timeToFrames for an explanation of the t and isDuration arguments. The
timecodeBase value, which defaults to 30, specifies the number of frames in one second.
Return type: String.
Argument type: t is a Number, ntscDropFrame and isDuration are Booleans.
Converts t to a String representing NTSC timecode. See timeToFrames for an explanation of the t and isDuration arguments. If ntscDropFrame is
false (the default), the result String is NTSC non-drop-frame timecode. If ntscDropFrame is true, the result String is NTSC drop-frame timecode.
Return type: String.
Argument type: t, fps, and framesPerFoot are Numbers; isDuration is a Boolean.
Converts the value of t to a String representing feet of film and frames. See timeToFrames for an explanation of the t, fps, and isDuration
arguments. The framesPerFoot argument specifies the number of frames in one foot of film. It defaults to 16, which is the most common rate for
35mm footage.