Adobe After Effects User Manual

Page 342

background image

Butt Cap

Round Cap

Projecting Cap

Miter Join

Round Join

Bevel Join

1. Select the group in which the gradient is contained.

2. With the Selection tool active, drag the Start Point, End Point, or Highlight controls in the Composition panel.

The Selection tool turns to a gradient control pointer or when placed over a gradient control.

Set stroke width

To set stroke width for new shapes in pixels (px), drag the underlined Stroke Width control (which is located to the right of the Stroke controls
in the Tools panel), or click the control and enter a value in the box. To set the stroke width for existing shapes, select them before using the
Stroke Width control.

Create a dashed stroke

You create a dashed stroke by adding any number of dashes and gaps to the Dashes property group for the stroke. The dashes and gaps in this
property group are repeated as many times as necessary to cover the entire path. The Offset property determines at what point on the path the
stroke begins.

Animate the Offset property to create a moving trail of dashes, like the lights on a marquee.

1. Expand the property group for a stroke in the Timeline panel.

2. Click the Add A Dash Or Gap button to add a dash and gap to one cycle of the dashed-line pattern. You can add up to three dashes for

each stroke pattern.

3. Modify the Dash and Gap properties to make the dashes and gaps the lengths that you want.

Line Cap options for strokes

The Line Cap property for a dashed stroke determines the appearance of the ends of the stroke segments (dashes).

The stroke ends at the end of the path.

The stroke extends beyond the end of the path for a number of pixels equal to the stroke width in pixels. The cap is a semicircle.

The stroke extends beyond the end of the path for a number of pixels equal to the stroke width in pixels. The end is squared off.

Line Join options for strokes

The Line Join property for a stroke determines the appearance of the stroke where the path suddenly changes direction (turns a corner).

A pointed connection. The Miter Limit value determines the conditions under which a beveled join is used instead of a miter join. If the

miter limit is 4, then when the length of the point reaches four times the stroke weight, a bevel join is used instead. A miter limit of 1 causes a
bevel join.

A rounded connection.

A squared-off connection.


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