Example: use selectors to animate specific words, Example: create a write-on animation – Adobe After Effects User Manual

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12. Click the Show Snapshot button.

13. In the Timeline panel, select Animator 1 and choose Line Anchor from the Add menu.

14. Drag the Line Anchor value until the 7 is positioned in approximately its original position in the center of the Composition panel.

15. Click the Show Snapshot button in the Composition panel to see the exact location of the 7 in its original location. Adjust the Line Anchor

value to position the character in the original location.

16. Preview the animation.

Example: Use selectors to animate specific words

This example shows how to use selectors to limit an animation to a specific word.

Animating the skew values in the characters in the word Speeding

1. Create a new composition.

2. Create a new text layer with the words Speeding Saucer.

3. Choose Animation > Animate Text > Skew.

4. In the Timeline panel, set the Skew value to 35.

5. Expand Range Selector 1.

6. Make sure the current-time indicator is at 0 seconds and click the End stopwatch.

7. In the Composition panel, drag both selector bars to the left side of the S in Speeding.

8. Move the current-time indicator to 2 seconds and drag the right selector bar to the right side of the g in Speeding.

9. Preview the composition.

Example: Create a write-on animation

You can easily create the appearance of writing on the screen by using the Opacity animator property.


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