Adobe After Effects User Manual
Page 123

No Textures/Shader
No pre-calculation
Keep Textures in RAM
Apply to All
CINEMA 4D Layers
Set Layers
Apply to All
Multi-Pass (Linear Workflow)
Standard (Draft): Uses the Standard renderer but turns off slower settings like anti-aliasing for better interactivity.
Software: Uses the settings to provide the fastest rendering, by letting you choose Display settings. Shaders and multi-passes are not
displayed. Use the Software renderer to preview while you continue to work on the composition.
Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously multiprocessing is disabled when using C4D layers.
This option is only enabled when you choose the Software renderer. The available options are Current Shading, Wireframe, and Box.
The wireframe and box modes provide a simplified representation of the scene.
Check this option to speed up your render by not rendering textures and shaders.
Check this option to speed up your render by disabling pre-calculations for computing motion dynamics or particle
simulations. Do not check this option for final rendering.
Check this option to cache textures in the RAM so that they are not reloaded from disk and can be accessed more
quickly. On the other hand, if you cache large textures, it may lead to reduction in available RAM.
Each CINEMA 4D layer has its own Render settings. Click Apply to All to set the current settings to all other instances of the C4D file
in the composition. If you want different layers to have different settings, then don't use this option. If settings are mismatched when they should be
the same, it can slow down the rendering and cause render mismatches.
Project Settings
The following project settings are available in the Cineware effect:
Cinema 4D Layers
Multi-Pass (Linear Workflow)
Choose the camera to use for rendering.
CINEMA 4D Camera: Uses the camera that is defined as the render view camera in CINEMA 4D, or the default camera if none is defined.
Select CINEMA 4D camera: Use this option to choose a camera. When this option is enabled, click Set Camera.
Centered Comp Camera: Use this option to use the After Effects camera, and recalculate the CINEMA 4D co-ordinates to adapt to the After
Effect co-ordinates. When you import an existing C4D file (typically modeled around 0,0,0) to be rendered with a new After Effects camera
(which is centered on the comp), use this option to render the C4D model in the After Effects comp center. Otherwise the model may be
unexpectedly shifted due to origin difference.
Comp Camera: Use this option to use the active After Effects camera. For this option to work, you must have added an After Effects camera.
For example, use this option for a camera that has been added by extracting it from a Cinema 4D project (since those cameras reference
Cinema 4D's coordinate system with 0,0,0 at the center of the Cinema 4D viewport). This option is suited for cameras that are added to After
Effects by using the Layer > New > Camera command.
Enable and select the CINEMA 4D layers to render.
Click to choose layers. Click the Set Layers button to choose one or more layers. In CINEMA 4D, layers let you organize
multiple elements. You can use CINEMA 4D layers to composite between elements in the After Effects comp.
Click Apply to All to set the current layer's camera settings to all other instances of the C4D file in the composition.
Use the CINEMA 4D Multi-Pass option to specify which pass to render. The multi-pass features are only available
when using the Standard renderer.
Multi-Passes give you the ability to quickly make fine adjustments to a C4D scene by compositing different kinds of passes together in After
Effects, such as adjusting just the shadows or reflections in the scene. For the results to match Cinema 4D's default Linear Workflow project
setting, you must work in a project in which colors are blended in linear light (either in a color-managed linear working space or with Blend Colors
Using 1.0 Gamma set in the Project Settings dialog box).