Threshold effect – Adobe After Effects User Manual

Page 501

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Light Direction

Texture Contrast

Texture Placement

Tile Texture

Center Texture

Stretch Texture To Fit

To the top

The angle at which light hits the texture.

The magnitude of the result.

How the texture layer is applied to the effect layer:

Applies the texture repeatedly.

Positions the texture in the middle.

Stretches the texture to the dimensions of the effect layer.

Threshold effect

The Threshold effect converts grayscale or color images to high-contrast, black-and-white images. Specify a certain level as a threshold; all pixels
lighter than the threshold convert to white and all pixels darker convert to black.

This effect works with 8-bpc and 16-bpc color.

Effect applied with threshold settings of 44 (left), 70 (center), and 200 (right)


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