Adobe After Effects User Manual
Page 194

7. Turn on 3D mode for your 3D TV and match the format to what was set in 3D View for the 3D Glasses effect. (Stereo Pair, and Over Under
are supported on most 3D TVs.
8. Put on your 3D glasses, and edit your composition in true stereoscopic 3D.
Stereoscopic 3D tips
If you are working with3D stereoscopic footage in the Composition panel and you do not have a 3D television, you can work with the
anaglyph format. Ordinary red and cyan anaglyph 3D glasses work best for this 3D stereoscopic workflow.
Increase or decrease Stereo Scene Depth to change how deep the 3D environment appears.
Turn on Converge Cameras and change the Convergence Z Offset to move different objects behind and in front of the screen. Objects closer
to the camera than the Z offset appears in front of the screen, objects farther away appears behind it.
You can make your composition’s depth of field to match your stereoscopic camera’s convergence by doing one of the following:
When using “Link Focus Distance to Point of Interest” on the master camera, and converge cameras for the rig, the depth of field and
stereoscopic 3D convergence matches.
If you want the depth of field to change over time, you can animate the focus distance of the master camera. Then, set the convergence
point to converge from “Camera Position”, and set an expression linking the convergence Z offset to the master camera’s Focus Distance
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