Resources for cycore fx (cc) effects, Compound effects and control layers – Adobe After Effects User Manual

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To apply an effect to only a specific portion of a layer, use an adjustment layer.

An effect applied to an adjustment layer affects all layers below it in the layer stacking order in the Timeline panel. (See

Create an adjustment



Andrew Kramer provides a video tutorial on his

Video Copilot website

in which he shows how to use an adjustment layer to apply an effect to only

a short duration and to only specific portions of a movie.

Expression Controls effects

Expression Controls effects do not modify existing layer properties; rather, these effects add layer properties that expressions can refer to. (See
Expression Controls effects.)

Preventing edge clipping with the Grow Bounds effect

Because an effect is applied to a layer, the results of some effects are constrained to within the bounds of the layer, which can make the effect
appear to end abruptly. You can apply the Grow Bounds effect to a layer to temporarily extend the layer for the purpose of calculating the results
of other effects. This process is not necessary for newer effects, which tend to be 32-bpc effects.

Managing effects and effect properties with scripts

Paul Tuersley provides a script on the

AE Enhancers forum

with which you can search compositions for effects and turn them on or off.

Paul Tuersley provides a script on the

AE Enhancers forum

that makes synchronizing changes to effect properties on multiple layers easier.

Effects applied with tools

Some effects—including the Puppet effect, the Paint effect, and the Roto Brush effect—are applied to a layer with a tool, rather than being applied
directly in the same manner as other effects. (See Animating with Puppet tools, Paint tools and paint strokes, and Transparency, opacity, and

Resources for Cycore FX (CC) effects

CycoreFX HD (1.7.1) is included in the installation of After Effects CC and CS6. There is 16-bpc support in all effects, and 32-bpc (float) support in
35 effects. Included are 12 additional plug-ins. CycoreFX HD plug-ins have support for motion blur, lights, more controls, and options.

This video

by Todd Kopriva and video2brain introduces the new Cycore effects and improved color bit depth. You will learn how to apply a couple

of these effects and see what it means to use different bit depths.

Documentation—including tutorials and example projects—for the Cycore FX (CC) plug-ins is available on the

Cycore website


Alan Shisko provides a video tutorial on the

ProVideo Coalition website

that demonstrates the use of the CC RepeTile effect.

Bob Donlon provides the following tutorial about the CC Particle Systems II effect on the Adobe website:

simulating fire

Eran Stern provides a video tutorial on

his website

that demonstrates the CC Particle System II and CC Mr. Mercury effects.

Compound effects and control layers

Several effects rely on a control layer (or layer map) as input. These compound effects use the pixel values of the control layer to determine how
to affect the pixels of the layer that the effect is applied to (the destination layer). In some cases, the effect uses the brightness values of the pixels
in the control layer; in some cases, the effect uses the individual channel values of the pixels in the control layer.


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