Copy between after effects and adobe premiere pro – Adobe After Effects User Manual
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from After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro
After Effects preserves the order of clips in the timeline, the footage duration (including all trimmed In and Out points), and marker and transition
locations. After Effects bases the arrangement of layers in the Timeline panel on the arrangement of clips in the Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline
panel. After Effects adds Adobe Premiere Pro clips to the Timeline panel as layers in the order in which they appeared—from the bottom up and
from left to right—in the Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline panel. After Effects preserves changes made to the speed of a clip, for example, with the
Clip > Speed command, and these changes appear as a value in the Stretch column in the After Effects Timeline panel.
After Effects imports effects common to Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects, and preserves keyframes for these effects.
Transitions and titles (except for dissolves) included in your Adobe Premiere Pro project appear in the After Effects composition as solid layers with
their original location and duration.
Audio Level keyframes are preserved.
1. Choose File > Import > File or File > Import > Adobe Premiere Pro Project.
If you choose Import > Adobe Premiere Pro Project, then only Adobe Premiere Pro projects are shown.
2. Select a project, and click OK.
3. Do any of the following:
To import only one sequence, choose a sequence from the menu.
To import audio, select Import Audio.
To add a single item from a track in an Adobe Premiere Pro project, copy the item in Adobe Premiere Pro, and choose Edit> Paste in
After Effects.
Use Adobe Premiere Pro for capture (Production Premium and Master Collection only)
If you have Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium or Master Collection, you can start Adobe Premiere Pro from inside After Effects and use it
to Acrobat Capture footage for use in your After Effects project.
Choose File > Import > Capture In Adobe Premiere Pro.
Copy between After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro
From the After Effects Timeline panel, you can copy layers based on audio or video footage items (including solids) and paste them into the
Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline panel.
From the Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline panel, you can copy assets (any items in a track) and paste them into the After Effects Timeline
From either After Effects or Adobe Premiere Pro, you can copy and paste footage items to the other’s Project panel.
You can’t, however, paste footage items from the After Effects Project panel into the Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline panel.
If you want to work with all clips or a single sequence from an Adobe Premiere Pro project, use the Import command instead to import the project
into After Effects.
Use Adobe Dynamic Link to create dynamic links, without rendering, between new or existing compositions in After Effects and Adobe Premiere
Pro. (See About Dynamic Link (Production Premium or Master Collection only).)
Copy from After Effects to Adobe Premiere Pro