Apple Motion 3 User Manual

Page 979

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Chapter 11

Working with Generators


Parameters in the Inspector

Line Thickness: Sets the thickness of the lines in the pattern.

Contrast: Sets how sharp or blurred the division is between the lines and the

Wavelength: Sets the frequency of the wave.

Amplitude: Sets the number of amplitude of the wave.

Skew: Sets rotation of the wave pattern.

Roundness: Sets the shape of the wave.

Soft Gradient

The Soft Gradient generator creates a soft-edged, radial gradient. The gradient contains
an alpha channel so that you can place the generator over another image in the
project. You can change and keyframe the color, size, and position of the Soft Gradient.

Parameters in the Inspector

Center: Sets the position of the center of the lens flare.

Color: Picks the color of the gradient. Use the disclosure triangle to display Red, Green,
Blue, and Alpha sliders for more precise color selection.

Radius: Sets the radius of the gradient circle. Values range from 0 to 1000.

Default Soft Gradient generator

Modified Soft Gradient generator over image
(yellow radial gradient in upper-left corner)