Apple Motion 3 User Manual
Page 1281

rectangles 717, 1010
replicators 770, 785
saving in Library 123
selecting control points 1019
shape tools 1030
snapping 1017
spheres 720
spirals 718
styles 1031
tangent handles 1024
transforming 1018
transparency 1062
types of 1059
vs. masks 998
waves 718
Sharing. See Copying
Sharpen filter 928
Sharpen filters 928–929
Shear parameters 97, 533, 775
masks 1104
objects 275
parameters 281
particle parameters 704
shapes 1018
Shortening objects 63
Show Audio Waveform button 101
Show Behaviors button 391
Show Collapsed Image Sequences button 199
Show in Keyframe Editor command 107, 130
Show Inspector submenu commands 175
Show Overlays option 44
Show Tooltips preference 138
Shuffle Order parameter 803
Shutter angle 188
Sidebar 111, 118, 199
Silhouette Alpha blend mode 308
Silhouette blend mode 308
Silhouette Luma blend mode 308
Simple Border filter 870
Simulation behaviors 458–483
about 371
Align To Motion 459
Attracted To 460
Attractor 462
baking and 404
controlling 396–397
Drag 464
Drift Attracted To 465
Drift Attractor 466
Edge Collision 467
Gravity 469
object wells and 459
Orbit Around 470–474
Random Motion 474
Repel 476
Repel From 478
replicators and 837
Rotational Drag 479
Spring 479
text and 676, 678
Vortex 480, 492–495
Wind 482
Size parameter 791
Sketch tool 100, 528, 543
Skewing shapes 277
Slanting text 588
Sliders 126
audio tracks 1132
filters 855
in mini-Timeline 63
objects 345, 356
Slit Scan filter 948
Slit Tunnel filter 949
Slowing playback 350, 1137
Smoke effect 700–702
Smoothing parameter 1016
Snap Alignment to Motion behavior 425–426
effective use of 266
keyframes in Keyframe Editor 553
objects in Timeline 344
objects to project markers 62
playhead to project markers 64
preferences 148
turning on or off 1017
Snapping button 101
Snapshots of curves 99, 538
Soft focus filter 867
Soft Gradient generator 979, 993
Soft Light blend mode 302
Softness of text 615
audio 81, 83, 1128
layers 74, 243
audio files 82
columns of data 79, 114
file stack 202
media file lists 78
objects in Layers list 72
objects in Media tab 249
theme elements 119
Sound files. See Audio and audio files, Media files
Sound. See Audio and audio files
Soundtrack Pro 83, 213, 1144
Source Channel pop-up menu 1106
Source channels in image masks 1107
Source media files