Apple Motion 3 User Manual

Page 876

background image


Chapter 10

Using Filters

Mix: Sets what percentage of the original image is blended with the filtered image.
Values range from 0 to 100%.

HUD Controls
The HUD contains the same controls as the Inspector, with the exception of the mix

Color Balance

Color balance generally refers to the overall tint of an image reflecting the color
temperature of the primary source of light. For example, sunlight is generally bluer
than interior tungsten light, which tends to be more orange. Although most film and
video is shot to make sure that the whites in an image are a true neutral white,
different film stocks and video color balance settings result in slight tints in the image.

Use this filter to adjust the color balance of an object by boosting or lowering the
individual amount of reds, greens, and blues in the shadows, midtones, and highlights
of an image. You can use this filter to correct for improper color balance, or to change
the color balance in an image for a stylized effect.

Parameters in the Inspector

Shadow Red: Picks the color gain applied to the shadow range of the red color
channel. Values range from –1.0 (no color) to 0 (unaltered color) to 1.0 (maximum color).

Shadow Green: Picks the color gain applied to the shadow range of the green color

Shadow Blue: Picks the color gain applied to the shadow range of the blue color

Midtone Red: Picks the color gain applied to the midtone range of the red color

Original image

Midtone Blue = 0.20, High Blue = -0.5