Apple Motion 3 User Manual
Page 756

Chapter 9
Using the Replicator
Each cell appears under the Replicator layer in the Layers tab and Timeline layers list.
Once replicated, the source layer remains in its original position in the Layers tab. If you
clicked Replicate in the Toolbar (or chose Objects > Replicate), the source layer is
disabled by default. If you dragged the source to an existing replicator layer, the source
remains enabled.
The replicator and cells have separate sets of parameters that control the look of the
elements. If you imagine the replicator as the “pattern,” the cells (and their elements)
are the “stitches” of that pattern. The pattern is created by selecting a shape on which
to arrange the elements. Changing the parameters of the replicator changes the shape
on which the elements are arranged, while changing the cell’s parameters affects each
individual element in the replicator, such as its angle, color, and scale.
Replicator parameters are dynamic—different parameters appear depending on what
shape is selected. For example, when Rectangle is the selected shape, parameters
appear that allow you to define the size of the rectangle, the number of rows and
columns in the rectangle, as well as the origin of the elements in the rectangle (if the
elements are arranged from the center outward, from right to left, and so on).
First replicated source layer (now disabled)
Second replicated source layer (remains
enabled because it was dragged onto the
replicator in the Layers tab)