Throw – Apple Motion 3 User Manual
Page 428

Chapter 5
Using Behaviors
When Axis is set to Custom, additional Longitude and Latitude parameters become
available. These parameters allow the object to spin at an angle (not locked to the X, Y,
or Z axes).
The following image illustrates longitude and latitude.
Latitude/Longitude: Available when Axis is set to Custom (or by dragging the center
control of the Spin HUD), these parameters allow you to specify the axis of rotation.
The Throw behavior is the simplest way of setting an object in motion. Controls let you
adjust the speed and direction of a single force that’s exerted on the object at the first
frame of the behavior. After this initial force is applied, the object continues drifting in a
straight line at the same speed, for the duration of the Throw behavior.
A simple example of using the Throw behavior is to send a series of offscreen objects
moving across the screen. When used in conjunction with other behaviors such as
Grow/Shrink and Fade In/Fade Out, you can create sophisticated moving elements
without keyframing a single parameter.
Drag the axis control in the center of
the circle to modify the longitude
and latitude of the spin.