Apple Motion 3 User Manual
Page 1254

hidden tools 29
HUDs 136
keyboard shortcuts 1185
Keyframe Editor 528
keyframes 87, 348, 524
layers 68, 242
Layers List view 72
masks 68, 72, 87, 1088
parameters 102
particles 731
rulers 45
source media files 75
tabbed windows 26
timecode or frame numbers 66
tracks in Timeline 94
visibility status in Layers tab 69
window expose commands 317
Displays (computer) 1214
Distortion filters 890–913
Basic 3D 890
Black Hole 892
Bulge 892
Bump Map 893
Disc Warp 894
Displace 895
Droplet 896
Earthquake 897
Fisheye 898
Flop 899
Fun House 899
Glass Block 900
Glass Distortion 901
Insect Eye 902
Mirror 902
Poke 903
Refraction 904
Ring Lens 905
Ring Warp 905
Ripple 906
Scrape 907
Sphere 908
Starburst 908
Stripes 909
Target 910
Twirl 910
Underwater 912
Wave 912
gradient tags 603, 1038
objects 268, 269
Dithering 186
Divider 89
Divider line 89, 329
Dock 25
Dolly tool 46, 55
Down-Res to Canvas Size setting 207
Draft render quality 49
Drag behavior 464
Drag parameter 472, 481
Drag slider 460, 462, 464, 466, 467, 476, 477, 478
drag and drop preferences 336
items onto Layers list 336
objects into wells 459
Draw order of outlines 1045
Bezier shapes 1000
B-Splines 1002
freehand shapes 1007
gestures 1231
lines 1007
masks 1087
paint strokes 1012
shape tools 1030
Drift Attracted To behavior 465
Drift Attractor behavior 466
DRM (rights-protected files) 121
Drop delay settings 336
Drop In From Left text behavior 669
Drop menu
drop delay settings 336
layered Photoshop files and 217
Drop Menu Delay preference 138
Drop shadows
about 309
adjusting 276
blur amount 312
HUD controls 311
parameters 282, 312
particle systems and 704
rasterization and 288
replicators and 777
text 133, 620, 621
Drop zone objects 251
Drop zones 253, 318, 1224, 1228
Droplet filter 896
Dropped frame indicator 64
audio files 83
audio tracks 1125
behaviors 392
clone layers 283
color tags 601
export presets 1153
filters 852
layers 75
layouts 28
media files 78, 219
objects 74, 268
opacity tags 601
presets 153