Creating drop zones in motion – Apple Motion 3 User Manual
Page 1224

Appendix C
Working with Final Cut Pro
 Text: You can edit the content, Text Size, and Text Tracking of text in template clips in
Final Cut Pro.
There are templates that are installed when Motion is installed. These templates already
appear in the Effects tab in Final Cut Pro, in the Master Templates bin.
Considerations When Creating Motion Templates for Final Cut Pro
In preparation for creating a project for use as a template, you should keep the
following considerations in mind:
 To get the best quality from your template, choose the same aspect ratio, resolution,
and frame rate as your destination Final Cut Pro sequence when creating the
template in Motion. For more information on Motion project settings, see “
 By default, drop zones are named by the media used to create the drop zone, and
text objects are named by the content of the text therein. If your project contains a
large number of drop zones and text, consider renaming these objects in a way that
will help you easily identify the ones you wish to edit in Final Cut Pro. For more
information on naming objects in Motion, see “
 Position text visually as well as with the desired Alignment parameter in the Layout
pane of the Text Inspector (Left, Center, or Right), in order to retain the expected
visual alignment when the text objects are edited in Final Cut Pro. For more
information on text, see “
 If adding dissolves or other transitions to a template clip in Final Cut Pro, be sure to
allow for this in the template design, by adding sufficient number of extra frames at
the beginning or end of the template.
 Final Cut Pro always uses the Best scaling option (in the Video Processing tab) when
rendering Motion projects and templates.
 To retain proper text formatting in Final Cut Pro, do not mix different text sizes, fonts,
or styles within a single text object.
In order for your template to be loaded into Final Cut Pro as a template, the
Motion project must be saved as a template.
Creating Drop Zones in Motion
Media contained within drop zones are the only media objects that can be replaced in
master templates in Final Cut Pro.
Using Drop Zones
Drop zones provide a way for template users to intuitively and quickly replace footage
in a template. There are two ways to create drop zones. The first is to create a drop
zone from scratch, and the second is to convert an existing object into a drop zone.
To create a new drop zone in Motion, do one of the following:
Choose Object > New Drop Zone (or press Command-Shift-D)