Apple Motion 3 User Manual

Page 90

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Chapter 1

Getting to Know Motion

To change the width of the Timeline layers list:


Position the pointer over the rightmost edge of the Timeline layers list.


When the pointer changes to the column adjust pointer, drag left or right.

Adding and Removing Groups

The Timeline has controls to add new groups and to remove existing layers from the

To create a new group in the Timeline layers list, do one of the following:


Click the Add button (+) in the upper-left corner of the tab.


Choose Object > New Group (or press Shift-Command-N).

A new empty group is added at the top of the list.

You can also create new groups when dragging files to the Timeline layers list from the
File Browser or Library. For more information, see “

Adding Files to Your Project

” on

page 215.

To remove an object from the Timeline layers list, do one of the following:


Select the object you want to remove, then click the Delete button (–) in the upper-left
corner of the tab.


Control-click the file you want to remove, then choose Delete from the shortcut menu.


Select the file you want to remove, then choose Edit > Delete (or press Delete).

The object is removed. This action removes the object from the Canvas as well.

Using the Current Frame Field

Next to the Add button (+) and the Delete button (–), the Timeline also contains a
current frame field that can be used to navigate your project.

To move the playhead to a new time, do one of the following:


Click the current frame field, then type a frame number.


Drag the current frame value slider to the left or right to advance or rewind.

Note: To advance or rewind more rapidly, press Shift while dragging in the current
frame value slider.


With the Timeline active, type the timecode or frame number where you want to move
the playhead. Press Return to jump to that frame.

To move forward a specific number of frames:


Type a plus sign (+) and then the number of frames you want to move forward.