Apple Motion 3 User Manual

Page 814

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Chapter 9

Using the Replicator

 Gradient preset pop-up menu: Gradients from the Library (default or custom)

appear in this pop-up menu. Choose a gradient from this menu to load it into the
gradient editor.

 Opacity bar: Use it to change the opacity of the replicator elements over the

pattern. All color tags are limited to shades of gray.

 Color bar: A gradient control that allows you to tint replicator elements over the


 Color control: When a color tag is selected in the gradient editor control, you can

change its color by either clicking the color well and choosing a color using the
Colors window, or Option-clicking the well and using the pop-up color palette.

 Opacity slider: When an opacity tag is selected in the Opacity Gradient control, you

can use this slider to change its shade, from 100 (opaque/white) to 0 (transparent/

 Interpolation: Sets the interpolation of the selected gradient tag to Constant, Linear,

or Continuous.

 Location slider: Changes the location of the selected gradient tag or spread control

relative to the gradient bar.

Color Range: A gradient control that appears when the Color Mode is set to Pick From
Color Range. Use it to define a range of colors used to randomly tint pattern elements.
The direction of the gradient colors is not relevant, only the number of colors that
appear within the gradient. The Color Range parameter has the same controls as the
Over Pattern parameter.

Note: For more information on using gradient editors, see “

Using the Gradient Editor

on page 1033.

Additional Cell Parameters for QuickTime Movies and Image Sequences

If you create a replicator pattern using a QuickTime object as the source for a cell,
additional parameters appear. These six parameters are:

Play Frames: A checkbox that controls playback. If it’s turned on, it loops the playback
of the animation or movie clip used for each element. If it’s turned off, the elements use
the still frame specified by either the Random Start Frame parameter or the Source
Start Frame parameter.

Random Start Frame: A checkbox that introduces variation into elements using
QuickTime objects as their source objects. If it’s turned on, each element in the pattern
begins at a different frame of the animation. Stills are chosen randomly if Play Frames is
turned off.

Source Start Frame: Chooses the frame to begin animation, if Play Frames is turned on,
or the still frame to display if Play Frames is turned off. This parameter appears only if
Random Start Frame is turned off.