Apple Motion 3 User Manual
Page 1251

Color Burn blend mode 297
Color Correction filters 871–890
Brightness 872
Channel Mixer 872
Channel Swap 875
Color Balance 876
Color Reduce 877
Colorize 878
Contrast 879
Desaturate 880
Equalize 881
Gamma 881
Gradient Colorize 882
HSV Adjust 883
Invert 885
Levels 885
Negative 886
Reduce Banding 886
Saturate 887
Sepia 887
Threshold 888
Tint 889
YIQ 890
YUV Adjust 890
Color Dodge blend mode 300
Color Emboss filter 934
Color Key filter 922
Color keying 921
Color Mode parameter 808
Color Range parameter 814
Color Reduce filter 877
Color Solid generator 971
Color tags 598, 1037
Color wells 127
Colorize filter 878
background 142, 186, 239
bit depth and 185
blend modes and 290, 294
broadcast colors 1215
channels 44, 1105
color tags 1037
color wells 127
computer vs. broadcast video monitors 1215
distorted or dull 1215
drop shadows 621
export settings 157
generators 971
gradients 596, 1033, 1035, 1036, 1040
grids 150
guide colors 54
opacity 1037, 1038
paint strokes 1014, 1049
particle cells and 734
particles and 711, 728
preferences 147
premultiplied 1241
replicators 808, 813
shape fills 1009
shape outlines 1044
shapes 133, 1031, 1032
spread 600
Status Bar information 40
text 133, 573, 591
Timeline track area 91
Colors icon 36
Colors window 591
Columns (particle emissions) 721
Columns (replicators) 771, 795
Columns of data
adjusting cell height 71
adjusting width 71
editing 71
hiding 77
moving 250
reordering 71
showing and hiding 250
sorting 79, 114
Combining behaviors and keyframes 515
Command Editor 1196
Comments in markers 365
Compass 46, 173
Composite edits 332, 334
Compositing 257
blend modes and 285, 290, 294
clone layers 283
composite edits 332
defined 257
dragging objects into Timeline 331
drop shadows and 309
groups and layer order in 259
layer and depth order in 130
object and layer transforms 261
opacity and 285, 289
overview 15
retiming 312
triggers for rasterizing 288
Compound Blur filter 859
artifacts 204
audio algorithms 1158
export settings 156, 1157
media files 76
particle systems and 712
quality and 1212
video file exchange and 1210
Batch window 1163
exporting projects with 1147
exporting with 1160–1164
presets 1164