Apple Motion 3 User Manual
Page 1271

types of 131
viewing relationships between 220
Offline media 214, 220, 233
image masks 1107
Parameter behaviors 397
particle emissions 721
replicator images and 793
replicator shapes 802
shape outlines 1045
text 589
text on paths 641
Offset filter 955
Offset From parameter 456
Offset slider 415, 446, 454
One Color Ray generator 976
Op Art generators 977
about 285
animating 512
backgrounds 186
blend modes and 285, 290
colors 1037
direction of 602
displaying object status 70
gradients 597, 601, 1034, 1038
MIDI behavior and 438
opacity tags 601, 1037
paint strokes 1015, 1050
parameters 98, 282
particle cells 734
premultiply alpha settings 157
preserving opacity 289
rasterization and 288
replicators and 769, 813
shapes 1033, 1044, 1062
text objects 572, 614
Wriggle behavior and 452
Opacity parameters 98, 533, 823
Opacity tags 601
Open In QuickTime Player command 112
Open in Viewer command 112
Open shapes
closing 1059
control points and 1021
created from closed shapes 1022
Open Spline parameter 414
OpenEXR format 186
folders 201
media files 78, 112
Motion clips in Final Cut Pro 1218
projects 194
QuickTime Player 78
recent projects 194
OpenType fonts 576
Optical flow blending 313
Optical Flow Retiming preferences 146
Orbit Around behavior 396, 470–474, 490–492
Orbit tool 55
Order pop-up menu 1045
effects 122
files 113
groups 233
layers 233
projects 191
Orientation 281, 589
Origin parameter 791, 796
Orthogonal views 47
Oscillate behavior 440–443, 495–499
Oscillate Shape behavior 1067
Oscillation, decaying 444
Out Point command 342
Out points
changing 344
defining 359
See also Play ranges
Outer Glow filter 919
Outlined text 133
default 617
particle emitters 720
shape controls 1043
shapes 133, 1008, 1031
start and end caps 1046
text objects 616, 617
using as paint strokes 1027
audio 81, 1129
export settings 1155
preferences 150
Overdrive filter 920
Overlapping objects
Overlay blend mode 301
Overlay pop-up menu 44
3D 46
blend modes 301
Canvas item displays 172
Overlays submenu command 172
Overwrite edits 331, 333, 334, 348
Padding in image sequences 209
Paint Stroke tool 32, 1014, 1181