Apple Motion 3 User Manual

Page 1280

background image



Scrub filter 960

audio 110, 1133
projects 61

SD (standard-definition) video 1214
Search field 112, 119

for layers and objects 248
for Library items 119
for media files 112, 198, 202
for project files 196

SECAM output 152
Select/Transform tool 30, 265, 580, 1179

audio tracks 1127
control points 1019
hidden objects 262
objects 261
objects in Layers tab 239
regions 359
text characters 582

Send Backward command 260
Send to Back command 260
Separators 36
Sepia filter 887
Sequence Paint behavior 997, 1071
Sequence Replicator behavior

about 754, 821
custom Traversal option 834
modifying 828
Parameter behaviors and 835
parameters 828
sequence controls 829

Sequence Text behavior

about 654, 668
character animation 648
customizing 663
parameters 654, 659
using 654

Sequencing pop-up menu 826, 829
Sequential edits 334, 335
Sequential mode 331
Server files 203
Set Speed behavior 457
SGI images 204

about 309
adjusting 276
blur amount 312
parameters 282
particle systems and 704
rasterization and 288
text 133

Shape Animation parameter 1101
Shape behaviors 371, 452, 1064–1080
Shape Style parameter 1016

Shape Style pop-up menu 128
Shape styles

as theme elements 118
categories 121
Library category 230

Shape tools 1030
Shape Type pop-up menu 414, 1092

aligning 1061
animating 1057, 1063
as theme elements 118
behaviors 1064, 1064–1080
Bezier splines 999, 1000, 1001, 1023
boxes 720
B-Splines 1002, 1004, 1025
bursts 718
categories 120
circles 717
closed or open 1002, 1021, 1059
colors 1009, 1031, 1032
control points 279, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1023, 1025,
corners 1046
creating illustrations 1060
defined 997
drawing 999, 1000, 1002, 1007
editing 1008, 1017, 1023, 1025, 1082
feathering 1009
filled or empty 1008, 1032
filters and 1063
finishing 1001, 1004
freehand shapes 1007
geometry 719, 1059
gradients 1009, 1033
handles 1019
holes in 1062
HUD 1031
images 719
Inspector features 133
keyboard shortcuts 1193
Keyframe Editor and 1082
keyframing 1080
Library category 230
lines 716, 1007, 1010
locking 1023, 1061
moving control points 1020
opacity 1033, 1044
organizing with groups and layers 1060
oscillating 1067
outlines 1008, 1027, 1043
paint strokes 997, 1012, 1027, 1079
parameters 1031–1033
particle emitter parameters 715
particles 723
points 716
polygonal 277