Application menu – Apple Motion 3 User Manual

Page 159

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Chapter 1

Getting to Know Motion


Many of these commands have shortcut keys that perform the same command from
the keyboard. These shortcuts are listed in parentheses after the description.

Application Menu

The first menu contains general functions to control the application, modify the
preferences, and access the Apple website. It also provides access to system level

About Motion: Opens the About Motion window where you can find the version of
Motion you are running, the registration information, and other trademark information.

Preferences: Opens Motion Preferences. See “


” on page 137 for a detailed

description of the settings in that window (Command-comma).

Commands: Provides access to controls for customizing your keyboard command keys.

 Customize: Opens the Command Editor.
 Import: Opens a dialog that allows you to import a customized key command set.
 Export: Opens a dialog that allows you to export a customized key command set.
 Command Sets: Allows you to load a customized key command set.
 Standard Sets: Sets the active keyboard to the default key command layout.

Note: For information on customizing your shortcut keys, see “

Customizing Keyboard


” on page 1201.

Provide Motion Feedback: Opens a web page where you can send comments to
Apple about Motion.

Register Motion: Connects you to the Apple website where you can register your copy
of Motion. Registered users receive information about updates and other useful

Services: This is a system menu item that provides access to commands that work
across different applications. See Mac OS X Help for more information about this

Hide Motion: Hides all Motion windows. The application is still running in the
background. You can bring it back to the front by clicking the Motion icon in the Dock

Hide Others: Hides windows from all applications other than Motion (Option-

Show All: Shows all windows from all applications currently running.

Quit Motion: Stops the application from running. You are prompted to save any open
documents (Command-Q).