Apple Motion 3 User Manual

Page 1284

background image



kerning 588
keyframing 679
layers and 571
Layout pane 629
layouts 584, 629
line spacing 574, 630
LiveFonts 567, 681, 682, 683
LiveType fonts 576
locating text styles 625
margins 581, 646
masks and 613
monospace 589
navigating Library font browser 579
offsetting 589
opacity 572, 614, 615
orientation 589
outlines on 616, 617
paragraphs 630, 646
Parameter behaviors and 634
parameters 584, 585
path control points 636
path shapes 636
paths for 630, 634, 635, 643, 644
previewing fonts 576, 586, 681
Properties tab 571
rasterization 626
resetting parameter groups 585
resetting parameters 584
rotating characters 589
saving in Library 123
saving styles 625
selecting characters 582
sequence controls 659
single lines of 630
size 133, 573, 587
slant 588
softness 615
Style pane 590
Text Editor 582
text styles 584, 590, 622, 623, 624, 625
Text tool 580
Texture Image well 608
textures and 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 612
Timing parameters 683
tracking 574, 588
transform tools and 571
Type On behavior 632, 633
using in Final Cut Pro 1225

Text Animation behaviors

about 566, 648, 649
applying 649
Crawl Left 650
Crawl Right 652
customizing 663
example 650
Scroll Down 652

Scroll Up 652
Sequence Text 648, 654, 663, 668
setting In and Out points 652
Tracking 665
Type On 667

Text behaviors 452

about 371, 648
animation paths 650
baking and 404
previews of 650
saving to Library 675

Text Editor 133

adding text in 582
editing text in 583
spelling 584

Text Face parameters 590, 616
Text format parameters 586
Text layout parameters 630–647
Text paths

animating 644
control points 636
creating 634
editing 639, 643
geometry 639, 642
in 3D space 637
shapes 636

Text Sequence behaviors 648

about 566, 654, 668
adding and removing parameters 673
changing speed of 673
Drop In From Left 669
example of 669
modifying guidelines 672
saving 675
Sequence controls 659

Text Style parameters 590–615
Text styles

applying 584, 623, 624
as theme elements 118
categories 121, 230
creating 622
editing 590
saving 625

Text tool 32, 580, 1181

adding text 569, 580
creating margins with 646
resizing margins with 647

Text Tracking behavior 665, 666
Texture Image well 607
Texture Screen filter 950

animating 610
applying to text 606
edges 609
editing 609
removing from text 608