Apple Motion 3 User Manual
Page 1274

in Timeline 347
into regions 361
keyframes 541
objects in Layers tab 74
Path Layout method 630
Path pop-up menu 111, 112, 118, 200
Path Shape pop-up menu 413
creating text on paths 634
displaying 509
editing path shapes 639
editing text on 643
handmade 559
See also Animation paths
creating from source layers 762
particle emitters 720
Pause control 58, 105
PDF files
about 210
fixing resolution of 211
mixed content in 211
multi-layered 212
multi-page 211
Peak indicators 108, 1143
Pen gestures 1232
Pen pressure
behavior 1064
settings 1013
shape controls and 1058
Pen Pressure parameter 1015
Pen pressure pop-up menu 1013
Pen speed behavior 1065
Pen Speed parameter 1016
Pen tilt behavior 1066
bit depth and 185
field rendering and 50
filmstrip display and 330
filters and 844, 845
float bit depth and 52
motion blur settings and 51
render quality settings and 49
Perspective Tile filter 956
Perspective view 47, 170
Phase parameter 800
Phase setting (particle emitters) 722
Phase slider 442
Photos 121, 230
Photoshop files
adding layered files 217
exporting for 186
importing 204
incompatible effects 210
layered files 209
PICT format 204
Pin Light blend mode 304
Ping Pong behavior 455
Ping Pong extrapolation 551
Ping Pong parameter 659
Ping Pong replicator animation 827
Ping-Pong end condition 315, 1137
Pixel aspect ratio 186, 226, 1213–1214
Pixel color status 40
Pixellate filter 945
bit depth and 185
exact positions 40
graphics creation and 1213
nonsquare 1213–1214
square 1213–1214
Pixie dust 744–750
Play Audio button 58
Play ranges
audio files 106
behaviors 395
defining 359
exporting 1160
indicators 93
Parameter behaviors 397
resetting 359
retiming and 313
Play/Pause control 58, 105
audio controls 105, 1127
gestures for 1234
looping 350
playing projects 357
preferences 138, 143
reversing 313
illustrated 61
in Audio Editor 109
moving in Timeline 357
moving objects to 342
moving to audio file positions 106
moving to keyframes 99, 107
moving to new time 90
moving to specific frames 65
snapping to project markers 64
Plug-ins 139
PNG format 186
Point At behavior 423–425
Point particles 716
Point size 573
Pointer position in Canvas 40
Pointing devices 17