Apple Motion 3 User Manual

Page 977

background image

Chapter 11

Working with Generators


Parameters in the Inspector

Color Space: Sets the color space. Generally, if you are working in NTSC, use YIQ. If you
are working in PAL, use YUV.

Offset: Sets the coordinates of the ray pattern’s center. Coordinates are calculated from
the center of your object, which is the coordinate origin.

Color: Picks the base color for the one color ray.

Color Variance: Sets how much the colors differ from each other.

Divisions: Sets the number of divisions in the ray pattern.

Rotation: Sets the rotation of the whole pattern from the center point.

Op Art

There are three Op Art generators to help confuse your background-foreground senses.
The Op Art generators create mathematically oriented patterns using a repetition of
simple shapes. Although some static patterns create a visual illusion of movement, you
can keyframe the Op Art parameters to create actual moving moiré patterns.

Op Art 1

Parameters in the Inspector

Line Thickness: Sets the thickness of the lines in the pattern.

Contrast: Sets how sharp or blurred the division is between the lines and the

Wavelength 1: Sets the frequency of the wave up and down.

Wavelength 2: Sets the frequency of the wave from left to right.

Default Op Art 1 generator

Modified Op Art 1 generator at 50% opacity
over blue rectangle