Apple Motion 3 User Manual
Page 1272

Paint strokes
3D options 1055
about 1012
animating 1054
brush options 1054
colors 1049
compared to shapes or masks 998
controls 1049
defined 997
drawing over time 1013
gradients 1050
jitter options 1056
opacity 1050
parameters 1015
shape outlines as 1027
spacing dabs in 1051
styles 1013
width 1053
Write On behavior 1077, 1078, 1079
PAL video
aspect ratio and 1213
output 152
resolution 181
specifications 1206
standard definition DV video and 1206
3D 46
about 31
resetting cameras 55
resetting in Canvas 43
audio 1129, 1134
Audio Auto Pan behavior 1139
in Audio Editor 107
Master pan slider 1131
Paragraph Layout method 630
Parallelogram Tile filter 956
Parameter behaviors 430–452
3D animation parameters and 383
about 370
applying 380–387, 403
Audio 431, 1141
Average 431
changing assignments 384, 386
Clamp 432
Custom 433–435
displaying in Animation menu 386
Exponential 435
generators and 990
gradients and 605
icon display 385
Logarithmic 436
MIDI 437–439
Negate 439
Oscillate 440–443
Quantize 445
Ramp 446
Randomize 447, 605
Rate 449
replicators and 820, 835
Reverse 450
Start and End Offset 397
Stop 450
text and 634, 676
Track 387, 451
Wriggle 451
Parameter Selection menus 128
adding to curves 534
animating behaviors 402–405
behaviors and 372, 389
deleting from curves 535
displaying 102
drop shadows 312
duplicating sets 536
filters and 847
geometry controls 280
image masks 1106–1108
in Keyframe Editor 400
keyframes and 96, 372, 736
lists of 98
locking or unlocking 99
masks 1092–1095
paint strokes 1015
Parameter behaviors 380–387, 403
particle cells 725–733, 735, 738
particle emitters 687, 713, 738
QuickTime movies 733
replicators 785
resetting 107
shapes 1031
single-cell emitters 725–733
template parameters 1223
Particle cells. See Cells (particle)
Particle emitters
3D emitters 699, 708, 724
3D shapes 715
additive blend 728
advanced controls 712
angles 702, 727
animating 736
as theme elements 118
behaviors and 737, 738
birth rate 726
boxes 720
bursts 718
circles 717
color options 728
creating 693
customizing 696
defined 686