Apple Motion 3 User Manual
Page 1283

Circles 932
Color Emboss 934
Crystallize 934
Edge Work 935
Edges 936
Extrude 937
Halftone 938
Hatched Screen 939
Highpass 940
Indent 941
Line Art 942
Line Screen 943
MinMax 944
Noise Dissolve 945
Pixellate 945
Posterize 946
Relief 947
Slit Scan 948
Slit Tunnel 949
Texture Screen 950
Vectorize Color 951
Vignette 952
Wavy Screen 953
Stylus and tablet drawing 998
Subcategories 232
Subtract mode 294, 1094, 1097, 1107
Support website 11
Surround audio 1121, 1123
Surround sound mixing 1129, 1159
Swirly generator 982
between 2D and 3D mode 70
between Canvas and Project pane 67
between Full Screen mode or normal mode 29
between HUDs 136
between layouts 28
between transform tools 265
fonts 578
Project pane and Canvas 26
Syncing audio 1136
Synthesizers 437
Tablets 158, 998, 1013, 1231, 1233
detaching 26
reattaching 26
reordering 26
showing and hiding 26
Take/Show Curve Snapshots setting 102
Tangent handles 1024
Target filter 910
Task List 314
Technical support 11
Template Browser 181
adding categories 255
deleting categories 255
deleting templates from 255
organizing templates in 255
Template Browser icon 37
Template clips 1223, 1227, 1228
browsing 138, 181
content in 121
creating 252, 1223
creating new projects from 181
customizing 250
drop zones 253, 1224, 1228
editing 1228
master templates 1223, 1227
media files for 254
organizing in Template Browser 255
preferences 139
reusing objects from 252
saving projects as 254, 1225
themes 254, 1226
using in Final Cut Pro 1223
3D animation 639, 678
3D paths and 631, 637
3D transform tools and 572
about 566
adding to projects 569, 580, 582
alignment 574, 630
all caps 589
animating 584, 589, 610, 644, 678
as source for particles and replicators 568
baseline 588
behaviors and 567, 575, 634, 676
blend modes 572
color 573, 591
creating 569
custom style icons 626
customizing in templates 252
deleting 582
drop shadows 620, 621
duration preferences 568
editing 571, 584, 585, 590, 596, 609, 617, 619,
629, 643
families 573, 586
filters and 575, 612
fonts 573, 576, 579, 586
Format pane 585
formatting 133, 584, 585
glowing 618, 619
Gradient editor 596
gradients 593, 594, 596, 603
HUD controls 571, 576
insertion point 588
Inspector and 132, 574, 584
justification 630