Apple Motion 3 User Manual

Page 922

background image


Chapter 10

Using Filters

Color Key

This filter can pull a key based on any color you select. Bear in mind that if the color is
too close to that of the subject you’re trying to isolate, parts of your foreground subject
may disappear as well. The resulting effect renders the selected color transparent,
allowing a background image to show through.

Parameters in the Inspector

Color: Picks the color for your key. Use the disclosure triangle to display Red, Green,
Blue, and Alpha sliders for more precise color selection.

Tolerance: Sets the color tolerance for your key. Values range from 0 to 1.

Invert Matte: Toggles whether or not the alpha channel of your color key is inverted.

Mix: Sets what percentage of the original image is blended with the filtered image.
Values range from 0 to 100%.

HUD Controls
The HUD contains the same controls as the Inspector, with the exception of the Mix

Original image

Color Key filter rendering gray transparent