Example:using a text sequence behavior, Example: using a text sequence behavior – Apple Motion 3 User Manual

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Chapter 7

Using Text


Example: Using a Text Sequence Behavior

In this section, the Drop In From Left behavior is used to illustrate working with the
Text Sequence behaviors. In general, the guidelines for modifying the Drop In From Left
behavior also apply to the other sequence behaviors.

Note: Because the sequence behaviors are preset variations of the Sequence Text
behavior (in the Text Animation subcategory), the guidelines for modifying the
Sequence Text behavior also apply to the Text Sequence behaviors.

Drop In From Left

The Drop In From Left behavior creates an animation in which the text characters fade
and drop in vertically from left to right to land in their original position. The parameters
included in the behavior are Opacity and Position. The following steps begin at the first
frame of the text.

To use the Drop In From Left behavior:


Apply the Drop In From Left behavior (from the Text Sequence subcategory) to the text.

Original text prior to application of Text
Sequence behavior