Apple Motion 3 User Manual
Page 326

Chapter 4
Using the Timeline
To collapse or expand a layer or group in the Timeline:
Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the layer or group name. If no disclosure
triangle is present, that object cannot be collapsed or expanded any further.
Adding and Deleting Groups
Motion allows you to add and delete groups directly in the Timeline layers list. If
nothing is selected in the list when a new group is added, the new group appears at
the top of the list. If an object is selected, the new group is added directly above the
selected object.
To add a group:
Click the Add button (+).
You can also add a group by dragging a new item into your project.
To delete a group:
Select the group you want to delete.
Click the Delete button (-).
You can also click the Delete button to remove any object (camera, layer, group, filter,
and so on) in the Timeline layers list. You can also Control-click a track, then choose
Delete from the shortcut menu.
Locking Tracks
Occasionally, you may want to prevent changes to a particular item. The lock icon at
the right edge of the Timeline layers list allows you to lock an object and prevent any
changes from affecting that object. An object that is locked in the Timeline also
appears locked in the Layers list in the Project pane.
When an item is locked, the bounding box in the Canvas turns from white to red and
the colored bar appears with a cross-hatched pattern.
Add button
Lock icon
Tracks appear locked in
the Timeline.