Apple Motion 3 User Manual
Page 1252

Constant color distribution 1034
Constant extrapolation 551
Constant interpolation 547, 596
adding to Library 232
Library categories 231
missing 233
Content Library 139
Continuous color distribution 1034
Continuous interpolation 547, 597, 1143
Contrast filter 879
Control Point tool 1179
Control points
adding and deleting 1020
adding to animation paths 511
adjusting 265, 279
B-Spline 1025
converting to Bezier 549
corner and curve points 1024
defined 997
deleting 1022
displaying 1018, 1059
editing Bezier points 1023
keyframing shape control points 1080
locking or unlocking 1023
masks 1095
moving on shapes or masks 1020
selecting on shapes or masks 1019
Track Points behavior 1075
Control Points parameter 419
Control Type parameter 437
Controller mode 437
behaviors to keyframes 402
groups to 3D 69
keyframes to Bezier 549
Coordinate systems 197
audio tracks 1125
behaviors 391, 405–408
behaviors to other computers 408
filters 851
generators 990
groups 241
in Timeline 347
keyframes 541
layers 241
layouts 28
objects in Layers tab 74
presets to other computers 190
Corner points
control points 1024
in shapes 1001
Corners on shape outlines 1046
Correct for Aspect Ratio option 48
Counting time 64, 66
Crawl Left text behavior 650
Crawl Right text behavior 652
Create tools 32
Creation dates for media files 76
Crop parameter 227
Crop tool 1179
Inspector vs. Media tab 278
objects 278
parameters 282
particle systems and 705
rasterization and 288
replicators and 778
Cross-fading audio 1135
Crystallize filter 934
Current Frame field 64, 66, 90, 105, 356, 528
Current frames, exporting 316
Current Keyframe state 100
Current pixel color 40
Curvature parameter 411, 447, 449
Curve control points 1024
Curved Bezier shapes 1001
Curves 503–563
about 526, 545
animation and 504
auto-scaling and 102
comparing 527
creating custom curve sets 98
custom parameter sets 533
displaying 102, 349
displaying modified curves 97
editing tools 100
extrapolation methods 551
first and last keyframes of 512
interpolation methods 545, 547
keyframe thinning 559
locating in Library 537
managing sets 98
mini-curve editor 555
modifying 545, 555
particle emitters and 713
related curve sets 532
replicator animations 821
saving 536
setting to snapshots 99
setting types of 99
sketching 543
taking snapshots 538
Custom behavior 433–435
Custom layouts