Apple Motion 3 User Manual
Page 572

Chapter 7
Using Text
Note: If no HUD is present when the text is selected, press F7 or D to display the text
When a text layer and the Adjust 3D Transform tool (in the Toolbar) are selected, the 3D
transform tools become available in the HUD. These additional controls allow you to
transform the text object in X, Y, and Z dimensions, regardless of whether the group is
2D or 3D.
For more information on using the 3D transform tools in the HUD,
The Text HUD includes the following controls:
Opacity: By default, the opacity of text is set to 100%. Use the slider to change the
opacity value.
Note: The Properties tab also contains controls to change the opacity of the text. The
opacity controls in the Properties tab of the Inspector are independent of the controls
in the Text tab of the Inspector. In the Text tab you have control over the opacity of all
text style elements including the Face, Outline, Glow, and Drop Shadow. In the
Properties tab, the Opacity control sets the transparency of the text layer, no matter
what style is applied.
Blend Mode: The text blend mode is set to Normal by default. Use the Blend Mode
pop-up menu to choose another mode for the selected text.
Family pop-up menu
Typeface pop-up