Lenze E94A User Manual
Engineer, Ä.d#lä
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 9400 function library
- Overview of technical documentation for 9400 Servo Drives
- Contents
- 1 About this documentation
- 2 Introduction
- 3 Working with the FB editor
- 3.1 Short overview of new functions in the FB Editor
- 3.2 User interface
- 3.3 Using the FB-Editor as "Viewer"
- 3.4 Creating/reconfiguring the interconnection
- 3.4.1 Enabling the FB Editor
- 3.4.2 Insert/delete objects
- Inserting a function block
- Inserting a system block
- Inserting a port block
- Creating/inserting a variable
- Configuring/inserting a user code
- Inserting a comment
- Deleting objects that are no longer required
- Deleting variables and user codes from the application
- 3.4.3 Changing connector visibilities
- 3.4.4 Arranging objects in the drawing area
- 3.4.5 Creating/deleting connections
- 3.4.6 Changing the processing order
- 3.4.7 Configuring the task properties
- 3.4.8 Configuring the exception handling
- 3.4.9 Compiling the completed interconnection
- 3.4.10 Testing the interconnection in the device
- 3.4.11 Copying interconnection elements (across all devices)
- 3.5 Printing the interconnection
- 3.6 Comparing interconnections
- 3.7 Copying complete interconnection
- 3.8 Inserting complete interconnection from reference project
- 4 Short overview
- 4.1 Analog signal processing
- 4.2 Digital signal processing
- 4.3 Data type conversion
- 4.4 Mathematical functions
- 4.5 Conversion of physical units
- 4.6 Speed conditioning
- 4.7 Special functions
- 4.8 Output of status signals
- 4.9 FBs for system via electrical shaft
- 4.10 FBs for positioning tasks
- 4.11 FBs for winding technology
- 4.12 All function blocks [A-Z]
- 4.13 FB reference list - 9300 Servo PLC
- 4.14 FB reference list - 9300 servo inverter
- 5 Function blocks
- 5.1 L_CamClutchPos - clutch (path-controlled)
- 5.2 L_CamContactor - cam group with switch-on and switch-off dynamisation
- 5.3 L_CamCurve - curve interpolation for characteristics
- 5.4 L_CamGetAxisData - reading out machine parameters from cam data
- 5.5 L_CamPosMarker - reading out position marks from cam data
- 5.6 L_CamProfiler - curve interpolation for motion profiles
- 5.7 L_CamSetContDataPDO - contactor data selection via inputs/PDOs
- 5.8 L_CamSetContDataSDO - contactor data selection via codes/SDOs
- 5.9 L_CamStretchAbs - stretching/compressing the position (absolute)
- 5.10 L_CamStretchFeed - stretching/compressing the position (relative)
- 5.11 L_CamSyncIn - synchronous/oversynchronous clutch-in
- 5.12 L_Dc2BytesToWord - type converter
- 5.13 L_Dc2WordsToDWord- type converter
- 5.14 L_Dc4BytesToDWord - type converter
- 5.15 L_DcBitShift - shift operation
- 5.16 L_DcBitShiftByte - shift operation
- 5.17 L_DcBitShiftDWord - shift operation
- 5.18 L_DcBitShiftInt - shift operation
- 5.19 L_DcBitShiftWord - shift operation
- 5.20 L_DcBitsToByte - bit multiplexer
- 5.21 L_DcBitsToDWord - bit multiplexer
- 5.22 L_DcBitsToWord - bit multiplexer
- 5.23 L_DcByteBitand - bit combination
- 5.24 L_DcByteBitor - bit combination
- 5.25 L_DcByteBitxor - bit combination
- 5.26 L_DcByteToBits - bit demultiplexer
- 5.27 L_DcByteToInt - type converter
- 5.28 L_DcByteToWord - type converter
- 5.29 L_DcDIntToDWord - type converter
- 5.30 L_DcDIntToInt - type converter
- 5.31 L_DcDWordBitand - bit combination
- 5.32 L_DcDWordBitor - bit combination
- 5.33 L_DcDWordBitxor - bit combination
- 5.34 L_DcDWordTo2Words - type converter
- 5.35 L_DcDWordTo4Bytes - type converter
- 5.36 L_DcDWordToBits - bit demultiplexer
- 5.37 L_DcDWordToDInt - type converter
- 5.38 L_DcDWordToWord - type converter
- 5.39 L_DcGetBitOfByte - bit operation
- 5.40 L_DcGetBitOfDWord - bit operation
- 5.41 L_DcGetBitOfWord - bit operation
- 5.42 L_DcIntToDInt - type converter
- 5.43 L_DcIntToWord - type converter
- 5.44 L_DcNorm_aToNorm_n - signal converter
- 5.45 L_DcNorm_nToNorm_a - signal converter
- 5.46 L_DcNorm_nToSpeed_s - signal converter
- 5.47 L_DcResetBitOfByte - bit operation
- 5.48 L_DcResetBitOfDWord - bit operation
- 5.49 L_DcResetBitOfWord - bit operation
- 5.50 L_DcSetBitOfByte - bit operation
- 5.51 L_DcSetBitOfDWord - bit operation
- 5.52 L_DcSetBitOfWord - bit operation
- 5.53 L_DcSpeed_sToNorm_n - signal converter
- 5.54 L_DcSpeed_sToSpeed_v - signal converter
- 5.55 L_DcSpeed_vToSpeed_s - signal converter
- 5.56 L_DcWordBitand - bit combination
- 5.57 L_DcWordBitor - bit combination
- 5.58 L_DcWordBitxor - bit combination
- 5.59 L_DcWordTo2Bytes - type converter
- 5.60 L_DcWordToBits - bit demultiplexer
- 5.61 L_DcWordToByte - type converter
- 5.62 L_DcWordToDWord - type converter
- 5.63 L_DcWordToInt - type converter
- 5.64 L_DevApplErr - error tripping
- 5.65 L_DevApplErrFix - error tripping
- 5.66 L_DevBrakeStateDecoder - status signals of the basic function "Brake control"
- 5.67 L_DevDriveInterfaceStateDecoder - status signals of the drive interface
- 5.68 L_DevHomingStateDecoder - status signals of the basic function "Homing"
- 5.69 L_DevLimiterStateDecoder - status signals of the basic function "Limiter"
- 5.70 L_DevManualJogStateDecoder - status signals of the basic function "ManualJog"
- 5.71 L_DevParReadFix - read parameter
- 5.72 L_DevParWriteFix - write parameter
- 5.73 L_DevPositionerStateDecoder - positioning status signals
- 5.74 L_DevReadParDInt - reading parameters of the DINT type
- 5.75 L_DevSMControlDecoder - control signals from the safety module
- 5.76 L_DevSMControlEncoder - control word for limiter
- 5.77 L_DevSMStateDecoder - status signals from the safety module
- 5.78 L_DevSMStateDecoderIO - status signals from the safety module
- 5.79 L_DevWriteParDInt - writing to parameters of the DINT type
- 5.80 L_EsClutchPos - clutch (time-controlled)
- 5.81 L_EsEncoderConv - encoder signal conditioning
- 5.82 L_EsStretchIntegrate - synchronously stretching/compressing the master value
- 5.83 L_LdAddOffsetCyclic - offset addition
- 5.84 L_LdClutchAxisP - virtual clutch for synchronism
- 5.85 L_LdClutchV - virtual clutch for electronic gearboxes
- 5.86 L_LdConvAxisV - speed ratio
- 5.87 L_LdDifferentiateCyclic - cyclic differentiation
- 5.88 L_LdExtrapolate - extrapolation
- 5.89 L_LdIntegrateCyclic - cyclic integration
- 5.90 L_LdLinearCoupling - master value connection
- 5.91 L_LdMarkSync - mark synchronisation
- 5.92 L_LdMonitFollowError - following error monitoring
- 5.93 L_LdMPot - master value adjustment
- 5.94 L_LdPosCtrlLin - Master value adjustment via position
- 5.95 L_LdSetAxisVelocity - master value processing
- 5.96 L_LdStateDecoder - LineDrive status signals
- 5.97 L_LdToolControl - setpoint conditioning
- 5.98 L_LdSyncOperation - master value connection
- 5.99 L_LdVirtualMasterP - virtual master for synchronism
- 5.100 L_LdVirtualMasterV - virtual master for electronic gearboxes
- 5.101 L_LdZeroDetect - zero crossing detection
- 5.102 L_PosDecoderStatePositioner - positioning status signals
- 5.103 L_PosDecoderStateSequencer - status signals of the sequence control
- 5.104 L_PosGetProfile - profile data tables
- 5.105 L_PosGetProfileData - profile data output
- 5.106 L_PosGetTableAcc - acceleration table
- 5.107 L_PosGetTableJerk - S-ramp time table
- 5.108 L_PosGetTablePos - position table
- 5.109 L_PosGetTableSpeed - speed table
- 5.110 L_PosPositionerInterface - positioning interface
- 5.111 L_PosPositionerTable - profile data record management
- 5.112 L_PosProfileInterface - profile data interface
- 5.113 L_PosProfileTable - profile data record management (simple)
- 5.114 L_PosSequencer - sequence control
- 5.114.1 Priorities of the control signals
- 5.114.2 States of the sequencer
- 5.114.3 Action types available for creating the positioning program
- Action type "Program end"
- Action type "Positioning"
- Action type "Switching"
- Action type "Branching"
- Action type "Variable branching"
- Action type "Homing"
- Action type "Waiting"
- Action type "Counter setting"
- Action type "Counting"
- Action type "Stand-by"
- 5.114.4 Example: Sequence table
- 5.115 L_PosSequencerStateDecoder - status signals of the sequence control
- 5.116 L_SdAccToUnit - acceleration conversion
- 5.117 L_SdDelayComp - dead time compensation
- 5.118 L_SdDifferentiate - differentiation
- 5.119 L_SdFactor - stretch factor
- 5.120 L_SdGetAxisData - Reading out machine parameters from axis data
- 5.121 L_SdGetPosition - position conversion
- 5.122 L_SdGetSpeed - speed conversion
- 5.123 L_SdIntegrate - integration of speed to position
- 5.124 L_SdIntegrateAxis - speed to position integration (with TP correction)
- 5.125 L_SdIntegrateLimit - integration of speed to position
- 5.126 L_SdInterExtrapolateAny - signal interpolation
- 5.127 L_SdInterExtrapolatePosition - signal interpolation
- 5.128 L_SdInterpolate - signal interpolation
- 5.129 L_SdLimitSpeed - speed limitation
- 5.130 L_SdMotorPot - motor potentiometer
- 5.131 L_SdPosToUnit - position conversion
- 5.132 L_SdProcessController - PID controller with limitation
- 5.133 L_SdRampGenerator - ramp function generator - S-ramp
- 5.134 L_SdRampGeneratorAny - ramp function generator - S-ramp
- 5.135 L_SdRuntimeComp - runtime compensation
- 5.136 L_SdSetAxisData - machine parameters
- 5.137 L_SdSetPosition - position conversion
- 5.138 L_SdSetSpeed - speed conversion
- 5.139 L_SdSpeedFilter - speed signal delay
- 5.140 L_SdSpeedSet - setpoint ramp generator
- 5.141 L_SdSpeedToUnit - speed conversion
- 5.142 L_SdSwitchPoint - position switch points
- 5.143 L_SdTouchProbe - touch probe evaluation
- 5.144 L_SdUnitToAcc - acceleration conversion
- 5.145 L_SdUnitToPos - position conversion
- 5.146 L_SdUnitToSpeed - speed conversion
- 5.147 L_Tb5And - AND with 5 inputs
- 5.148 L_Tb5Nand - NAND with 5 inputs
- 5.149 L_Tb5Nor - NOR with 5 inputs
- 5.150 L_Tb5Or - OR with 5 inputs
- 5.151 L_Tb5Xor - XOR with 5 inputs
- 5.152 L_Tb8Select - 1-out-of-8 selector (for data type "DINT")
- 5.153 L_Tb8SelectByte - 1-out-of-8 selector (for data type "BYTE")
- 5.154 L_Tb8SelectWord - 1-out-of-8 selector (for data type "WORD")
- 5.155 L_TbAbs - absolute value
- 5.156 L_TbAdd - addition
- 5.157 L_TbAddLim - addition with limitation
- 5.158 L_TbAddSubLim - addition and subtraction with limitation
- 5.159 L_TbAnd - AND with 2 inputs
- 5.160 L_TbCompare - comparison
- 5.161 L_TbCompare_n - scaled comparison
- 5.162 L_TbCount - up/downcounter
- 5.163 L_TbCurve - characteristic function
- 5.164 L_TbCurveAny - Characteristic function
- 5.165 L_TbDeadband - dead band with gain
- 5.166 L_TbDeadband_n - scaled dead band with gain
- 5.167 L_TbDelay - delay
- 5.168 L_TbDifferentiate - differentiator with low-pass filter
- 5.169 L_TbDiv - division
- 5.170 L_TbDiv_n - scaled division
- 5.171 L_TbFlipFlopD - D flipflop
- 5.172 L_TbFlipFlopRS - status-controlled RS flipflop
- 5.173 L_TbGainLim - gain with limitation
- 5.174 L_TbIntegrate - integration with limitation
- 5.175 L_TbLimit - limitation (for "DINT" data type)
- 5.176 L_TbLimit_n - scaled limitation
- 5.177 L_TbLimitInt - limitation (for "INT" data type)
- 5.178 L_TbMaskOut - zone masking
- 5.179 L_TbMul - multiplication
- 5.180 L_TbMul_n - scaled multiplication with limitation
- 5.181 L_TbMulDivLim - multiplication and division with limitation
- 5.182 L_TbMulLim - multiplication with limitation
- 5.183 L_TbNand - NAND with 2 inputs
- 5.184 L_TbNeg - negation (for "DINT" data type)
- 5.185 L_TbNegInt - negation (for "INT" data type)
- 5.186 L_TbNegSel - optional negation (for "DINT" data type)
- 5.187 L_TbNegSelInt - optional negation (for "INT" data type)
- 5.188 L_TbNor - NOR with 2 inputs
- 5.189 L_TbNormalize - signal scaling with limitation
- 5.190 L_TbNot - negation
- 5.191 L_TbOr - OR with 2 inputs
- 5.192 L_TbOscillator - rectangular signal generator
- 5.193 L_TbPIController - PI controller with limitation
- 5.194 L_TbPT1Filter - delay
- 5.195 L_TbRateAction - rate action with limitation
- 5.196 L_TbSampleHold - sample & hold (for "DINT" data type)
- 5.197 L_TbSampleHoldWord - sample & hold (for "WORD"data type)
- 5.198 L_TbSelect - selector (for "DINT" data type)
- 5.199 L_TbSelectByte - selector (for "BYTE" data type)
- 5.200 L_TbSelectWord - selector (for "WORD" data type)
- 5.201 L_TbSub - subtraction
- 5.202 L_TbSubLim - subtraction with limitation
- 5.203 L_TbTransition - edge evaluation
- 5.204 L_TbXor - XOR with 2 inputs
- 5.205 L_WndCalcDiameter - diameter calculation
- 5.206 L_WndCalcLength - length calculation
- 5.207 L_WndFrictionCompensation - friction compensation
- 5.208 L_WndIdentMInertia - identification of the moment of inertia
- 5.209 L_WndStopCtrl - stop controller
- 5.210 L_WndTensionCurve - tensile force characteristic
- 6 Table of attributes
- Index
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