Outlook – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 725

Data source
File name
Exchange Public Folder Replica
Public Folders Access Control Lists
Physical Server DLL for Microsoft
Exchange translation files work directly with the Microsoft Messaging API
(MAPI). MAPI acts as a database engine for Exchange data.
How Crystal Reports treats Exchange data
Crystal Reports treats Exchange Administrator data (Public Folder Admin,
Public Folder ACL, Public Folder Replica, and Mailbox Admin server types)
as a physical database server. To access this data, you must log on using
a SQL/ODBC server and select the appropriate tables from the Choose SQL
Table dialog box.
When you log on to any of the Exchange Administrator servers, you must
select a profile (or profiles). Each profile represents an Exchange Server.
Refer to your Microsoft Exchange documentation for more information about
how to set up and create Exchange profiles.
Microsoft Outlook provides powerful organization and information
management tools in the form of e-mail, calendars, task lists and other
popular tools.
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Accessing Data Sources
Direct access database files