Creating running totals for a group, To create a running total for a group – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

Page 263

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Select sum from the Type of summary list.


In the Evaluate section of the dialog box, click On change of field, and
select Orders.Order ID as the On change of field.

The running total will execute each time this field changes.


In the Reset section of the dialog box, click Never (this gives you a running
total that never resets; that is, the running total continues throughout the


Click OK to save the running total field.

The program returns you to the Field Explorer dialog box.


Insert the running total field in the Details section of the report, just to the
right of Orders.Order Amount.

On your report, each row in the running total column displays the current
record value added to the previous values. This total continues, unbroken,
through the report.

Creating running totals for a group

Another common use for running totals is tallying items in a group. The
running total starts with the first item in the group and ends with the last.
Then it starts all over again for the next group, then the next, and so on.

In this tutorial, you will create a report that:

Maintains a running total of customer orders.

Groups customer orders and resets the running total for each group.

Displays the subtotal for each customer group.

To create a running total for a group


To get started, create a report using the sample data, Xtreme.mdb.

Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide



Running Totals

Creating running totals