Linking tables instead of linking subreports, For more information, Using other design elements effectively – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

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database record in the main report.) As an alternative, consider using
linked on-demand subreports in the Details section of your main report.

Linking tables instead of linking subreports

Whenever possible, coordinate your report data by linking database tables
on the Links tab of the Database Expert, rather than by linking regular
subreports—that is, subreports that aren't on-demand subreports—to the
main report. Since each subreport is run as a separate report, linked tables
often have a performance advantage.

For more information

For further general guidelines, see

Database links vs. subreports in

one-to-many situations


For complete details, see

Performance considerations in one-to-many



Using other design elements effectively


Map rendering is a single-threaded operation that does not scale well.
Although maps are supported, you need to be careful in considering the
overall effect a map in your report will have on performance.

Report Templates

If you will be applying the same template to multiple reports, it is best to open
the report once and cache it, because the template only needs to be

Including "Page N of M" or "Total Page Count"

If you include the special fields "Page N of M" or "Total Page Count" in your
report, the report needs to finish processing before it can calculate this value.
Avoid using these special fields in your report unless the report is very small
or you absolutely require the value.


Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide

Designing Optimized Web Reports


Making the right design choices