Sybase adaptive server, Lotus domino, Informix online server – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

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Sybase Adaptive Server

Crystal Reports opens SQL data created by Sybase Adaptive Server directly
through the crdb_p2ssyb10.dll, installed with Crystal Reports. This translation
file works with the Sybase database drivers to read Sybase Adaptive Server
data. If your Sybase server is correctly configured, you will be able to read
Sybase data as soon as Crystal Reports is installed.

Lotus Domino

Lotus Domino is a powerful groupware application used for communication
and information sharing between departments in an organization.

A Lotus Domino database can be read by Crystal Reports using either a
native driver or an ODBC driver. For information about the ODBC driver, see

Lotus Domino


Choosing Lotus Domino during installation adds the translation file


Nextpwd.dll and the Lotus API DLL (Lcppn201.dll) are installed in the
Lotus Domino executable directory.

The following line is added to the Notes.ini file:



The Lotus Domino executable and data directories are added to the PATH.

Informix Online Server

The Informix Online Server provides client/server capabilities along with SQL

Crystal Reports opens SQL data created by Informix through the
crdb_p2sifmx.dll, installed with Crystal Reports. This translation file works
with the Informix database drivers to read Informix data. You must have the

Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide



Accessing Data Sources

Direct access database files