HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 812
Tab Separated Text (TTX), exporting to 507
table indexes, for performance 174
tables 119, 777
adding 119
alias 659
deleting blank lines 281
indexed 662
link from 665
link processing order 677
link to 665
linked SQL 673
linking 665, 676
for performance 174
records 665
two 120
unindexed 653
Visual Linking Expert 676
tabs 108
Design 108
differences between Preview and Design
SQL Expressions 123
Template Field Object 297
templates 294
applying 295
choosing in wizard 295
considerations 299
reapplying 297
removing 296
Text (TXT), exporting to 507
text objects 283
adding to repository 151
combining database fields in 66
edit mode 283
formatting for accessibility 769
inserting 126
from repository 154
move/resize mode 283
placing on the report 126, 766
using to create form letter 285
text-based objects, using guidelines 317
thread-safe database drivers 176
Time fields 334
titles 134
adding a title page 134
inserting 68
maps 403
Top N 244
selecting groups 244
selecting groups conditionally 247
selecting percentages 244
selecting percentages conditionally 247
sorting 751
Top N/Sort Group Expert 243
totaling 132
and performance 186
with SQL expressions 188
totals, running 260
troubleshooting 203
group selection formulas 227
record selection formulas 203
TrueType fonts 328
two-pass reporting 750
underlay feature 386
using with charts 386
using with maps 410
undo/redo activities 360
Unicode support 714
connecting to 462
in Crystal Reports, overview 743
multilingual 462
upgrading components 52
User Function Libraries (UFLs) 558
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide