Db2 server, Active data – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

Page 728

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Informix client installed and configured properly before using this translation

DB2 Server

IBM's DB2 Server is an SQL compliant, client/server application that is part
of IBM's popular database management suite.

Crystal Reports opens SQL data created by DB2 through the crdb_p2sdb2.dll,
installed with Crystal Reports. This translation file works with the DB2
database drivers to read DB2 data. You must have the DB2 client installed
and configured properly before using this translation file.

Active Data

Crystal Reports can be used to report off ActiveX data sources, including
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), Remote Data Objects (RDO), and Data Access
Objects (DAO). Reports created off these data sources can be used in Visual
Basic applications that use these ActiveX data sources. Visual Basic
applications, Crystal Reports also supports Crystal Data Objects (CDO),
which are sets of relational data created at runtime using Visual Basic arrays.

Crystal Reports also offers the ability to create reports without specifying an
actual data source. This is supported through the use of a Data Definition
file, which is an ASCII text file with placeholders to represent database fields.
By using reports created off a Data Definition File, an application developer
has the flexibility of specifying the actual data source at runtime.

Crystal Reports provides these translation files for Active Data reporting:



For Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects


For Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects



Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide

Accessing Data Sources


Direct access database files