HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
Page 799
equal count, on Ranged map 391
equal link 686
equal ranges option, Ranged map 391
error messages, described 754
Excel 737
with Crystal Reports 723
Exchange Folder, exporting to 515
expanding dimension members 499
chart 370, 381
highlighting 356
map 391
select 193
top N/sort group 243
explorers, docking 142
exporting 512
destinations 512
format types for exporting 507
reports 507
to a disk file 514
to an application 512
to an Exchange Folder 515
to an ODBC data source 520
to Crystal Reports (RPT) 507
to fax 506
to HTML 507, 519
to Lotus Domino 516
to Lotus Domino Mail 517
to Microsoft Excel (97-2003 ) 507
to Microsoft Excel (97-2003) Data-only 507
to Microsoft Mail 518
to Microsoft Word (97-2003) 507
to Microsoft Word (97-2003) - Editable 507
to ODBC 507
to PDF 507
to Record Style (REC) 507
to Report Definition (TXT) 507
to Rich Text Format (RTF) 507
to Separated Values (CSV) 507
exporting (continued)
to Tab Separated Text (TTX) 507
to Text (TXT) 507
to XML 507
to XML (Legacy) 507
faxing reports 506
field headings, inserting 70
field names, displaying 65
field spacing, balancing 75
fields 127
accessing BLOB data 127
alias 659
appearance 62
changing default formats 333
deleting 74
formatting 451
individual in cross-tab 451
several at a time 451
additional 63
group numbers 125
page numbers 125
print dates 125
record numbers 125
special fields 125
total page count 125
linking to/from calculated 652
locking size and position 332
making read-only 331
reordering OLAP grid 500
resizing 64
selecting 63
sorting 210
truncated values 322
File Save As dialog box 70
files, locating 661
filters 503
adding to OLAP grid 503
combining with prompts 471
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide