Inner join – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual

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When you link fields using joins, no indexed fields are required.

The join types are:

Inner join

Left Outer join

Right Outer join

Full Outer join

The enforce join options are:

Not Enforced

Enforced From

Enforced To

Enforced Both

The link types are:

Equal [=] link

Greater Than [>] link

Greater Than Or Equal [>=] link

Less Than [<] link

Less Than Or Equal [<=] link

Not Equal [!=] link

Inner join

An Inner join is the standard type of join. The result set from an Inner join
includes all the records in which the linked field value in both tables is an
exact match. For instance, you can use an Inner join to view all customers
and the orders they have placed. You will not get a match for any customer
who has not placed orders.

Orders Table

Customer Table

Customer Table

Order Amount

Customer Name

Customer ID


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