Exchange – HP Intelligent Management Center Standard Software Platform User Manual
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Pervasive DDF files
Crystal Reports does not determine the definitions of Pervasive data files
directly from the data files themselves. It needs a set of Pervasive Data
Definition Files (.DDF) that contain file, field, and index information. Crystal
Reports uses Wbtrvdef.dll and Sbtrvdef.dll to parse these DDF files. The
following are the required DDFs which must all reside in the same directory:
A set of DDFs normally contain definitions for multiple Pervasive data files.
Once one of the DDFs is selected when creating a new report, Crystal Reports
immediately adds all the data files defined in that DDF into the report. Crystal
Reports also takes the path defined in the DDFs as the default path of the
data files. The DDFs and data files can reside in different locations.
Be sure to study your Pervasive documentation for more information on
Pervasive DDFs and on configuring the Pervasive engine.
Exchange is Microsoft's successor to MS Mail. Exchange, however, includes
not only e-mail, but also management of group scheduling, electronic forms,
groupware, and Internet connectivity. An Exchange folder can contain
standard notes (mail), files, and instances of Exchange forms. All of this data
is stored in the Exchange Information Store.
Exchange 2000 can be accessed through ADO.
Crystal Reports can report on data contained in the Exchange Information
Store. Exchange data sources available for reporting include:
Message Tracking Logs
Address Lists
Personal Address Books
Global Address Lists
Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 User's Guide
Accessing Data Sources
Direct access database files